Report Execution tab

After the initial execution, a new tab opens and shows the SSRS report. All reports have some common functionality that lets you perform certain actions on the executed report. The report opens in a new window so you can go back to the original report parameters. Every report that you run will open in a new tab, which gives you the flexibility to go back to the original settings and run additional reports without affecting any report that has already been run.


The parameters are used to select the data and filters that show in the report. After a report is run, you can change the parameters and run the report again with the different parameters. Click View Report to refresh the screen with the new data.

Report Page Control

Executed reports can generate multiple pages and the page controls help you navigate through your report. These standard controls show above the executed report under the documentation tab. Hover over an icon to view its function.


First page, previous page, next page and last page.

If there is more than one page in the report document, the additional icons become active.

2 Go back to parent report.
3 Page zoom, select from pre-defined widths.
4 Export drop down menu.
5 Find text in report.